Professional translations in Weglot

If you are looking for a platform where all the content of your website can be professionally translated, Weglot makes this easy for you. With the plugins and integrations of this translation management system, your website will be available to your target group in their own language in no time.

Weglot is a translation management system that makes professional translation easy. With plugins and integrations available from some of the largest e-commerce and content management systems on the web (including WordPress, Webflow, Shopify and Drupal), you can translate any content quickly and easily.

Weglot offers machine translation in more than 100 languages, keeping costs low and preventing having to wait days for people to translate. In addition, you can edit and add translations manually. Do you want help with a professional translation in Weglot? Please contact LinQuake.

Quality levels

Weglot distinguishes between three different quality levels: Machine translation, manual translation and professional translation. For all the content in your system, you can choose the level of translation you consider appropriate. What are the characteristics, the advantages and disadvantages, and on what do you base your choice?

Machine translation is the entry level. This quality is excellent for large amounts of text where quality is not so important. It is a cost-effective option to deliver translations to the public in multiple languages. The disadvantage is that the quality leaves much to be desired and it is difficult to ensure consistency.

Manual post-editing or translation is a good way to achieve better quality. By doing it yourself, it is easier to have control over the translation work and consistency with the internal language use. But there are also challenges to manually translating it yourself: Is there sufficient capacity to translate large amounts of text? How sure can you be that the colleague you hire to do this is a highly skilled translator of a foreign language?

With a professional translation by an external partner, you can be sure that the quality of the work is good. In addition, you are not dependent on availability. A professional translation agency will always have sufficient capacity to translate large amounts of text. But there are disadvantages too, particularly in the form of higher costs and longer turnaround times than with machine translation.

The table below shows the advantages and disadvantages of the different quality levels that Weglot distinguishes.

Quality levels Weglot

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Do your own translations in Weglot or outsource them?

Weglot offers the possibility of carrying out the translation process yourself. The system has an online interface that allows you to access your translations. That makes working a lot more convenient. An internal colleague can do the translation work with the help of that interface. In the case of outsourcing, you give an external translation agency access to the Weglot environment, or you provide the translation agency with an export of the source texts. Exporting is possible in the form of a .csv file or in the form of a .xliff file.

An important consideration here is whether there is sufficient capacity to carry out the translation work internally. Do you have the opportunity to use someone who can translate the texts and who is also available to do so? Then you save the out-of-pocket costs of an external party.

The advantage of an external translation agency is that you do not have to worry about the quality of the work and the availability of capacity. In the case of a professional translation, the coordination of the translation work is also taken care of by the translation agency. Finding and planning capacity is particularly time-consuming. The more languages you need, the greater the advantage of outsourcing.

The financial consideration is often more complex than you might think at first glance. It is true that the directly visible costs of outsourcing are higher than doing it yourself. Nevertheless, outsourcing is often more interesting than doing it yourself, because you are assured of available capacity (security of supply) and high quality.

Consistency within all your other publications

Weglot also offers the possibility to translate within the website, but your website or online store is only one of your publications. Your business strategy probably includes various publications to communicate about your products and services. Having each of those publications translated separately without any coordination poses a challenge to ensuring consistency How do you ensure translations in all publications are of the same level, in the same style and with consistent use of terminology?

The solution for this challenge is in terminology management, building up translation memories and setting up style guidelines. A good internal project manager can do a lot in this respect, but it is of great added value to purchase supporting software as well. A Translation Management System offers possibilities to build and manage translation memories and glossaries. A professional translation agency also works with such systems.

Contact our team about the approach and planning of your translations in Weglot. We would like to help you succeed in your business abroad.

Please contact us

LinQuake’s working method for professional translations in Weglot

LinQuake has the necessary experience of working with Weglot. Our working method includes the following:

  • Intake discussion about the process to be followed.
  • Agree on terminology and style.
  • Export translations from Weglot (CSV or XLIFF).
  • Making a selection of source texts based on URLs, type of content and quality level.
  • Implementation of translation according to the most effective process.
  • Optional: proofreading by an in-house specialist.
  • Import of the translated CSV or XLIFF.

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